Objective Reality Launches VR Training Platform Protects Manufacturers’ Investment in New Hires

Ground-breaking, cloud-based VR platform delivers job training for commercial companies and new hires.

Objective Reality Games LLC, a virtual reality (VR) development business, combines proprietary technology and gaming know-how to create unique cloud-based VR training applications and simulations for manufacturing and industrial businesses.

“The goal is that a new hire arrives on day one ready to work,” Rose said. “With our video gaming background, we are able to create the best experience for the employee who is using the training application—an experience that is more interactive and more immersive. Studies show that when you gamify the learning process, people learn faster and retain the knowledge longer.”

The Objective Reality platform is unlike other virtual reality systems in the marketplace.

“There is no onsite equipment other than the headset and no need for onsite expertise,” Rose said. “A VR headset and 50mbps+ internet connection is all that is required. We signed our first industrial customer in January,” said Colin Rose, CEO. “and the second one in May.”

Rose expected employers to recognize the advantages of the VR platform for training, but he quickly learned that manufacturers also highly value the ability to create a realistic experience for potential employees who are in the recruiting pipeline.

“It helps job applicants see what the work is like before they accept a job,” he said. “Manufacturers see the benefit of having a headset at a temp or hiring agency. Rather than new employees showing up on the job site with no idea of what the job will be like, they can put on the VR headset, click on the application, and have an immediate, immersive learning experience.”

Ohio’s innovation infrastructure and talent sources accelerate startup’s progress.

Objective Reality is a job creator for Ohio. In addition to the company’s core staff, the company makes extensive use of the Rev1 internship program. “The interns are phenomenal,” he said. “This summer, for example, they are working with our head of development to blueprint and code.”

Rev1’s Customer to Capital Accelerator program has been critical, Rose says, to Objective Reality’s early progress in commercial sector training applications.

“Rev1 is helping redirect our focus from gaming to our target market of business training,” he said. “They are making us more efficient, from creating new sales collateral to building our financials and business plan. Their experienced advisors have been invaluable. They have lined us up with many contacts—people who wouldn’t have talked to us without Rev1.”

“Our next steps are meeting deadlines and delivering on the solutions we have sold to early customers. As we grow, we are determined to really understand our process and to make operations as efficient as possible.” CR